As Featured In:

✓ Debts Negotiated
✓ Debts Settled
✓ Debts Gone
We deal with your creditors and eliminate your debt.

Avoid the harmful effects of a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. There is another way and it’s called Debt Settlement.
Regardless of whether your debts are just unpaid for a while, in collections or you are being sued, Metus Lykos Debt Law Firm can negotiate settlements with your creditors.
We typically reduce debts by more than 45% of the principal balance and we pass these savings onto you…
Debt Settlement is a lawful and effective alternative to get out of debt, without the long-term consequences. By contrast, consumer proposal and bankruptcy can prevent you from qualifying for loans or credit for years…
What is Debt Settlement?
Debt Settlement involves negotiating with collection agencies or banks and their lawyers, for the purpose of obtaining an agreement for a reduced payment of the debt.
In other words, approached properly and methodically, creditors may be willing to accept a much lesser amount to settle and close-out your outstanding accounts.
You pay less, save money and the collection calls stop.
A Message From Our Operations Manager
What brings you here today?
Carefully monitored by legal professionals.
Utilizing anti-collection strategies and defense litigation procedures.
Carefully monitored by legal professionals.
Utilizing anti-collection strategies and defense litigation procedures.
Avoid paying accumulated interest
Creditors can waive it
Instantly end enforcements
Notify collectors to Cease & Desist
Don’t waste time with credit counselling
Budgeting alone won’t do it
Pay-off debts in under one month
Fund settlements with property equity or other sources
Only pay a portion of the principal balance
Fully settle the debt
Minimize payment of back taxes to CRA
Do it legally
Every client, no matter how overwhelming their debt, benefits tremendously from our Debt Resolution Program – customized to their financial circumstances.
Committed to Helping Our Clients Get Out of Debt.
We evaluate your current finances, uncover every possible funding source and predict debt recovery timelines and outcomes.
Using available funds, Metus Lykos Debt Law then negotiates the terms of your debt with each creditor. We strive to settle each of your outstanding accounts for a fraction of the amount owing. This saves you thousands of dollars and puts you on a path towards full financial recovery.
Maxed out, overdue, unpaid, in default.
Get a Bailout AND Legal Protection from Collectors.
Contact Us
We have brought together a team of legal and financial professionals, bolstering our expertise and reputation as a debt settlement firm.
A Trusted Debt Settlement Firm

Providing professional services through Cook Law Professional Corporation.
Conditions may apply to any information or offer expressed on this website. Inquire with a member of Metus Lykos Debt Law Firm's team for further details regarding fee rates, program offerings, etc. We cannot guarantee any outcome; HOWEVER, we stand by our consistent record of success on behalf of clients. You may be deemed ineligible for our Programs; for example, if you are unemployed and/or receiving financial assistance, etc.
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