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Serving Canadians in Select Provinces
Avoid Bankruptcy – Get Debt Free

Denied a Loan?
Interest rates too high?

Our Loan Approval Program can qualify you!
(It’s quick and painless)

not being able to pay your bills brings lots of sadness

The Bad News

If you’re struggling with debt, you are unlikely to qualify for a loan. Especially if you do not own a home. In fact, most unsecured loan applications are denied by banks and alternative lenders too.

Just to apply for ‘debt consolidation loans’ (to pay off debts), you may risk valuable personal property as collateral (again, if you don’t own a home) AND must satisfy extensive financial criteria…

Proving your reliability as a borrower is time consuming and exhausting.

If you are approved, such loans sought in desperation, often come with staggeringly high interest rates.

need help paying my debt quick
I had big debt to pay off

The Good News

Metus Lykos Debt Law Firm can boost your borrowing power!

Most of our clients get approved for a loan immediately upon completion of this Program.

We groom you financially and recommend you to reputable lenders, who require less time and criteria to approve you, since Metus Lykos Debt Law Firm has already produced an accurate and strong financial picture of each Program graduate. Plus, lenders trust our recommended clients.

Denied a Loan?
Interest rates too high?

Our Loan Approval Program can qualify you!
(It’s quick and painless)

not being able to pay your bills brings lots of sadness

The Bad News

If you’re struggling with debt, you are unlikely to qualify for a loan. Especially if you do not own a home. In fact, most unsecured loan applications are denied by banks and alternative lenders too.

Just to apply for ‘debt consolidation loans’ (to pay off debts), you may risk valuable personal property as collateral (again, if you don’t own a home) AND must satisfy extensive financial criteria…

Proving your reliability as a borrower is time consuming and exhausting.

If you are approved, such loans sought in desperation, often come with staggeringly high interest rates.

The Good News

Metus Lykos Debt Law Firm can boost your borrowing power!

Most of our clients get approved for a loan immediately upon completion of this Program.

We groom you financially and recommend you to reputable lenders, who require less time and criteria to approve you, since Metus Lykos Debt Law Firm has already produced an accurate and strong financial picture of each Program graduate. Plus, lenders trust our recommended clients.

I had big debt to pay off

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